PANS-OPS Basic Classroom
This is the initial training required for future Flight Procedure Designers and Regulators. It is a four-month study program with video lectures in the first phase, a 1-day initiation webinar and then 2 parts of 3 weeks face-to-face tuition. In the break between the two parts there is also a video lecture phase with associated tests. Before the start of the course the course participants must read the book "Instrument Flight Procedures" from Jens Gjerlev. The book can be ordered below.
Note: Before you can register for this course, proceed to the ANI Online Faculty Test Center and take the English Language Test (except native English speakers), where a score of 61/100 is required (C1 advanced) and the pre-requisite test for the Basic Course.
PANS-OPS Basic Online (self-paced learning) - on request only
This is the Basic self-learning Course. Note that this is not for everybody. The platform provides self-learning keynotes and filmed content from classes. Contains more lectures and topics than the Classroom course. Before the course participants must read the book "Instrument Flight Procedures" from Jens Gjerlev. The book can be ordered below.
Note: Before you can register for this course, proceed to the ANI Online Faculty Test Center and take the English Language Test (except native English speakers), where a score of 61/100 is required (C1 advanced) and the pre-requisite test for the Basic Course. Do not register for this course without contacting us before. We need to evaluate if this is the right thing for you to do.
PANS-OPS Advanced PBN Classroom
This is the advanced level material for Flight Procedure Design: Baro-VNAV, SBAS, A-RNP Departures, RNP AR. Only available for trained Flight Procedure Designers. Duration 2 weeks.
Tuition Fee CHF 3400
PANS-OPS Advanced PBN online (self-paced learning)
Self-learning of advanced level material for Flight Procedure Design: Baro-VNAV, SBAS, A-RNP Departures, RNP AR. Only available for trained Flight Procedure Designers. Note: this is not a learning method that everybody can cope with.
Tuition Fee CHF 3400
PANS-OPS Helicopter Point-in-Space Procedures Classroom
Flight Procedure Design Criteria for Helicopter Point-in-Space procedures. Only available for trained Flight Procedure Designers. Duration 5 days. This course is not available for self-paced learning.
Tuition Fee CHF 2200
PANS-OPS APV Baro-VNAV Live Webinar
The Baro-VNAV criteria in 2 days in a live stream tuition. Only for trained Flight Procedure Designers.
Tuition Fee CHF 1200
PANS-OPS SBAS Procedures Live Webinar
The SBAS Procedure Design criteria in 2 days in a live stream tuition. Only for trained Flight Procedure Designers.
Tuition Fee CHF 1200
The ultimate RNP AR live-stream
RNP AR third edition from start to finish. Including statements from airline OPS explaining constraints and costs. Full-day stream, 9.00 am to 4.00 pm with breaks.
Tuition Fee CHF 1500
PANS-OPS recurrent/refresher
Required at regular intervals. Always encompasses the last three amendments including information about upcoming ones. Duration 5 working days.
Tuition Fee CHF 2500
Collision Risk Model Master Class
CRM Theory, Obstacle modelling, sorting, interpreting of results. 5 working days of insights you were never aware of. Only available for trained Flight Procedure Designers
Tuition Fee CHF CHF 3000
IFP QA process and Oversight Live Webinar
This is a one-day Webinar explaining the QA Process and oversight of it. Conceptual Design, IFP Documentation, Independent Review Documentation, Checklists.
Tuition Fee CHF 800
Very important course for all Flight Procedure Designers. Explains the Path/Terminator Concept in detail, provides some hands-on coding exercises and will illustrate short-comings of certain products from avionics manufacturers.
Tuition Fee CHF 3000
Understanding the Cockpit Side
Attending this course can catapult Flight Procedure Designers to unknown "flight levels"! This is where Procedure Designers learn how all their work gets implemented and used in the cockpit of a modern airliner. How is a procedure loaded from the datebase and how is it actually flown. Includes hands-on flying in an Airbus simulator. Duration 5 working days.
Tuition Fee CHF 4500
AIS/MAP Charting
Annex 4 and Annex 15 requirements for AIP and correct production of Aeronautical Charts. Duration 10 working days.
Tuition Fee CHF 4800
Flight Validation Pilot
This is the required training to get State Approval as a Flight Validation Pilot. The 4 modules IFP Process and Design, ARINC 424, Geodesy and Practical total to a 4-week course, of which individual modules can also be completed in different years.
FVP Tuition Fees:
- IFP Module CHF 4000
- ARINC 424 Module CHF 1500
- Geodesy Module CHF 1100
- Practical Module Fixed Wing CHF 4800
- Practical Module Helicopter CHF 5500 (availability depending on attendance)
- All modules fixed wing: CHF 11400
- All modules Helicopter: CHF 12100
Flight Validation RNP AR
This is to consolidate FVP competencies. Perticipants get an IFP Report beforehand and must prepare the Validation. Then over 3 days the Validation is performed in the Simulator and a Validation Documentation is created.
Tuition Fee CHF 3700
Flight Validation Pilot Recurrent
This is required at regular intervals. The ANI recurrent event is a two-day all-in event with two lunches and one dinner together to provide more non-formal time to exchange experience and ideas between participants. Tuition fee includes 2 lunches and one dinner. Can also be booked as Live Stream.
New Annex 14 Obstacle Limitation Surfaces - Obstacle Free and Obstacle Evaluation Surfaces
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The current ICAO Annex 14 Obstacle Limitation Surfaces (OLS) have origins in the 1950s and were established to ensure the safety of aeroplane operations. History shows that the OLS become penetrated by new obstacles world-wide, and it becomes more difficult to protect the surfaces against new obstructions. The reasons are manifold and include unclear objectives of the OLS, inconsistencies between ICAO Annex 14, Annex 6, and PANS OPS requirements as well as unclear adequacy between the obstacle requirements of the surfaces and the complex impact of obstacles on the operations.
To address the deficiencies of the current OLS, the ICAO Obstacle Limitation Surfaces Task Force (OLSTF) proposes to replace current OLS by a new twofold concept of Obstacle Free Surfaces (OFS) and Obstacle Evaluation Surfaces (OES). Furthermore, a new code systematic, the aeroplane design groups (ADG), for the design of the OFS and OES is foreseen.
The objective of this training course is to provide an introduction of the new concept and new surfaces. The new ADG as well as the OFS and OES are presented. The surface dimensions as well as obstacle limitation requirements are discussed.
The course is designed for all persons involved in this complex subject, including aerodrome, Civil Aviation Authority personnel, or project developers.
Tuition Fee can be seen when you click the button
Annex 14 safeguarding and obstacle assessment
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Safe airport operations demand a permanent monitoring of obstacles in the close proximity of airports. The construction of new infrastructure or changes to airport operations require systematic obstacle evaluations and assessments to maintain an acceptable level of safety.
International regulations from the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) as described in Annex 14 Vol. I as well as regulations from European Union Aviation Safety Agency (EASA) as described in the CS-ADR-DSN specify airspace around aerodromes to be maintained free from obstacles. For that purpose, Obstacle Limitation Surface (OLS) are described, which ideally shall not be penetrated by an object. OLS infringements may be acceptable though, if an obstacle assessment or aeronautical study shows that there is no adverse impact on safety of flight operations.
The objective of this training course is to provide a comprehensive overview of aerodrome safeguarding and the assessment of obstacles in the vicinity of aerodromes. The course is designed for all persons involved in this complex subject, including aerodrome, Civil Aviation Authority personnel, or project developers.
Tuition Fee can be seen when you click the button
Introduction to Flight Procedure Design and ICAO PANS-OPS
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This is a high level introduction to flight procedure design according to PANS-OPS. Please note that this is not considered sufficient training if you are designing or regulating procedures. This course serves as an overview in the principles of procedure design and is helpful for aviation experts active in related fields and who need to know the basic principles in flight procedure design.
Tuition Fee can be seen when you click the button