Dear All,

I am Beat Zimmermann, founder, owner, manager and if you wish Master of Ceremony (MOC…) of the ANI. I am powered by the questions «what is it that makes a good Flight Procedure Designer?» and «what available courses and training would I have appreciated back in the times when I was designing?» Based on that I have developed the training program, keep learning from students and each and every course, listen to my inner self and adjust, improve and sometime re-invent our training courses.
All the questions we think you may have, we all answer in a downloadable file for each course. The file describes the where, what and how of the courses. We have a pre-requisite test for each course in the ANI Online Test Center that shows you and us where you stand and how well you are bound to cope with the material you will be confronted with. So please (please!) before writing to us asking for «more information about courses, costs etc,» would you be so kind and consult the courses section of this website and read through what was made available there.
Having our environment in mind, our training faculty is based on electronic material wherever and whenever possible. Students have personal access to an online repository, where they can review course material, access filmed class sessions where available and download important documents.
So welcome to the ANI world, spend some time on this website, where most of your queries will be answered.
Yours sincerely,
Beat Zimmermann